Well, life is not fair, i will never be. There are so much thing that's happening to my life, which is becoming the reason why I'm saying such thing. Hidup itu engga semudah yang dilihat, dan hidup itu engga seperti yang dibayangkan kebanyakan orang. Hidup itu engga terjadi sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Andai hidup itu semudah membalikkan telapak tangan.
Banyak impian yang pastinya ingin dicapai semua orang, contohnya hidup sukses, punya keluarga harmonis, pengen jadi dokter, dan lain lainnya. Banyak impian klise yang gua yakini dimiliki setiap orang, cuma kadang impian itu gabisa jadi kenyataan. Mungkin orang itu kurang berusaha, tapi mungkin juga, sekeras apa pun dia usaha, emang takdir ga mengijinkan itu untuk terjadi and that's exactly happening to me right now.
dari kecil, gua cuma mau jadi dokter gigi, dan yaa gua kurang berusaha untuk jadi dokter gigi, dan gua ended up belajar food technology. it's not really bad, at first, and i like it! gua belajar di uph, setelah sekian lama. everything was fine, until last semester, when i knew that's I'm the only one who's going to study in australia, for dual degree program. Semua impian gua berubah, dan semuanya seperti ga akan tercapai. I decided no to go to Australia for my bachelor degree, because of I think of Michael. Well, I didn't regret for what I chose, cause for these two years, I can see a lot of improvement of Michael, and I don't think it's going to be that fast if I'm not sacrificing my degree.
But now, I am in Australia already, for my dual degree program with UPH, having fun and feeling good with my study here. Gua berpikir untuk ga balik lagi ke indo, dengan berbagai macam alasan. Tapi karena berbagai alasan juga, I decided to kill my dream. Today, I talked to my friend and he told me about what I can do for my dream. I can actually drop the contract and sign up for bachelor in a uni here. Then I just apply my visa in the immagration and my uni back home does not have anything to do with it. It's my choice. I actually do not understand how the contract works but yeah I'd love to try. However, no one is supporting my decision, except my Ozzie's friend here.
I am tired of listening to other people and not listening to myself. I am tired of thinking about other people all the time, while I don't think about myself. I just wanna do what I want. I guess everyone in the world also wanna do that.
Please, life. Can you be fair to every single of us, just once? I am tired to live my life like this. I am very tired.
You're not alone Christie...